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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

As the winter light gets brighter

Building Blocks, 1997, Kumi Yamashita

As winter lies upon us it is easy to notice that the trip to school is often in the dark. As we move further into the new year the light will begin to grow longer. If there is one thing that light is great for - its shadows!

Kumi Yamashita is an artist that plays with how light can bend around objects creating A from B.

As the day light hours grow and we spend more time in the dawn and dusk it is interesting to keep an eye on how the winter shadows play all around us.

Blake Andrews, blogger, has an interesting post all about photography and shadows:

1 comment:

  1. I've Stumbled Upon her work before, truly inspiring!
    Do you have any idea how she did the post-it note one?
